The famous purple card resting on Globulo's ball pool.

What can we learn with Nubank?

Lessons from a Brazilian fintech.

Joaquim Mitidiero


If you [live in Brazil and] don’t have one, probably heard about it. Since last year the purple cards became a fever among early adopters and now are getting famous with the general population. Tax free, platinum, transparence and great customer relationship, ask any of it’s users they will explain you those benefits and maybe start a long speech about how awesome is being “Nu”. Sounds so good that seems not real. But, instead of saying that “it’s just because they are trendy” or any other jealous stuff, let’s ask ourselves: “what can we learn with this brand?”

1st — To solve a real pain of your costumer
That’s the base of any great brand. The era of ‘making people think they need something they don’t’ is over. Create desire is a part of the success, but not the root of it. Complexity, bureaucracy, taxes, lack of control and horrible relationship, those are real and significant problems that anyone who owns a bank account has. Solving all this is not just a way of helping people live a better life, is also a way of questioning the status quo.

2nd — To be clear
Why does people talk so much about Nubank? First, because they love it, second, because they understand it. A great solution that no one gets is not a great solution. Financial service isn’t a market that I’d call simple. Banks have their own language and terms and if you’re not a financial expert probably what your account manager tells you more is: “and that means…”. If you want to make yourself clear try empathize with you public, understand how they speak, what they read. You can also use great graphic design to help you, information is better when it’s beautiful.

3rd — To think about the entire experience
Solving people problems create gratitude, and that’s good, but what creates love and faithfulness is the experience — how you deliver your solution. At this point it is necessary have knowledge and control about every touchpoint of the brand. Social network, website, first e-mail, talks, messages, the card…everything must play a part in the construction of the experience. They must all spread the brand’s value proposition in different channels but with the same language.

4th — To be authentic
Entrepreneurs are constantly afraid of being the ‘nail that sticks out’. They want to innovate, but not that much, “People may think that’s weird, you know?!”. And that’s how we see new brands coming up with old stuff all the time. We could say that a credit card completely virtual is something crazy to Brazil, a country where many people don’t even shop online. We could say that ask your costumers to say #sounu (which in Portuguese means I’m Nu(bank) but also I’m naked) could be dangerous and create a bad reputation. But everything can work when it’s part of something real.

Those are some points about Nubank’s branding work that inspire us at Glóbulo. What about your company, does it fulfills these criteria?

PS: that is not a sponsored publication; that is what happens when a company makes a good job, they got ambassadors. #sounu :)



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